Art – Old

2022 Minnesota State Fair
Minnesota State Fair 2018
Minnesota State Fair 2019
2023 Out of State Blue Ribbon Award, Minnesota State Fair
June 2020 Yellow Corn Decorative Corn Wild Rice Red Quinoa Millet Watermelon Yellow Sweet Clover Red Maple Poppy Seed Rhutabaga
Minnesota State Fair - 2015 Merit Award- Out of State Rhutabaga Wild Rice Navy Bean Red Corn Black Bean Japanese
Minnesota State Fair - 2014 First Place - Out of State Corn Navy Bean Mung Bean Dutch White Clover Lima
Minnesota State Fair - 2010 First Place - Out of State Seeds Used: Navy Bean Corn Black Turtle Bean Poppy
Minnesota State Fair - 2016 Fourth Place -Out of State Yellow Millet Wild Rice Dutch White Clover Rhutabaga Crimson Clover
Minnesota State Fair 1991